Environmental impacts and challenges of tourism in Malé

What are some specific environmental impacts of tourism in Malé?

The tourism industry in Malé has several environmental impacts, including:

Human pressure on the ecosystem

Although tourism aims to preserve the environment, human pressure directly affects the ecosystem, especially the small and fragile.

Changes to the environment

Resort islands have changed many aspects of the Maldives, including the islands’ ecology and the reefs, which are extremely delicate. The general ability of the environment to withstand stress, or what will be referred to in this paper as the environmental threshold, is relatively low in these islands.

With the development of a resort, or even by habitation, major environmental problems arise. The severity and time lag for the issue to arise depends on the island’s carrying capacity.

Beach erosion

Beach erosion is commonly reported as the leading environmental threat that the Maldives faces. Beach erosion, categorized by the government as severe, where land is rapidly lost to the sea, is present today on most inhabited islands.

Coral mining

Coral mining is a practice that has been carried out in the Maldives for centuries. However, the practice has become more widespread and destructive in recent years due to the growth of the tourism industry.

Coral mining can significantly impact the environment, including destroying coral reefs and losing marine biodiversity.

Waste disposal and sewage disposal

The mass number of tourists can lead to rubbish and contamination, which can negatively impact the environment of the Maldives.

Waste disposal and sewage disposal are significant environmental challenges faced by the tourism industry in the Maldives.

The tourism industry in Malé and the Maldives has several environmental impacts, including human pressure on the ecosystem, ecological changes, beach erosion, coral mining, and waste disposal and sewage disposal. These challenges can affect the quality of services provided to visitors, the Maldives’ economic stability, and the tourism industry’s long-term viability.

What are some of the environmental challenges faced by the tourism industry in Malé?

The tourism industry in Malé faces several environmental challenges, including:

Human pressure on the ecosystem

Although tourism aims to preserve the environment, human pressure directly affects the ecosystem, especially the small and fragile.


The sustainability of tourism in the Maldives has been questioned due to environmental, economic, and socio-political factors. Environmental challenges include beach erosion, coral bleaching, and ocean acidification, which can affect tourism.

Rubbish and contamination

The mass number of tourists can lead to rubbish and contamination, which can negatively impact the environment of the Maldives.

Coastal development

Coastal development is causing pressing environmental issues in the Maldives, including beach erosion, commonly reported as the country’s main ecological threat.
Beach erosion, categorized by the government as severe, where land is rapidly lost to the sea, is present today on most inhabited islands.

Climate change

The Maldives is a tiny island nation that is highly susceptible to the consequences of climate change, which can adversely affect its tourism industry. The rise in sea levels, coral bleaching, and ocean acidification are some challenges the Maldives’ tourism industry may encounter due to climate change.

In summary, the tourism industry in Malé and the Maldives faces several environmental challenges, including human pressure on the ecosystem, sustainability, rubbish and contamination, coastal development, and climate change.
These challenges can affect the quality of services provided to visitors, the Maldives’ economic stability, and the tourism industry’s long-term viability.